
Less Stress, Better Sleep - A Box Set Guide to Great Mental Health

Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
3 hours
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Less Stress, Better Sleep - A Box Set Guide to Great Mental Health

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This 3 part webinar box set will assist you to become better equipped in responding to stressful challenges.

You will be able to identify your own stress triggers and there will be tips for managing your wellbeing whilst working remotely during COVID. The 4 pillars of great sleep will also be explored.

What You Will Learn

The box set includes the following:

Module 1 - Stressful Situations at Work

Stress is more common now than it ever has been in the workplace. This module is aimed at anyone who would like to be better equipped to deal with their responses to stressful or challenging workplace situations.

The aim of this module is to help you get in control and deal with workplace challenges effectively.

  • The impact of stress on your body and mind
  • How to balance healthy and unhealthy coping behaviours
  • What are your stress triggers?
  • Getting to the root cause (as well as dealing with the symptoms)
  • Focusing on those things you can control and letting go of the rest
  • Building a virtuous circle of stress management

Module 2 - Remote Working & COVID-19 - Managing Your Mental Health

This module is designed for individuals who want to support good mental health whilst working remotely. You will find out how to avoid mental health issues arising by making reasonable adjustments to your remote working day.

  • What is Mental Health?
    • The scale of the issue and why it is important
    • What mental health is and is not
    • Understanding the MH continuum
  • Work and Mental Health
  • Why work is good for mental health
  • When work impacts on mental health - the causes
  • The challenges of remote working
  • Stress
    • What is stress
    • Eustress v Distress
    • Stress v Pressure
    • Spotting the signs in ourselves and others
    • Stress triggers and pandemic factors
    • Why does it seem uncomfortable for us to talk about - breaking the stigma!
  • How to Work Remotely and Maintain Good Mental Health
    • Improve wellbeing/peer support/taking a break
    • Making workplace adjustments whilst at home

Module 3 - How to Overcome Insomnia & Other Sleep Problems

This module will help you to understand the key elements of sleep, the difference between a simple lack of good sleep and sleep disorders, the four pillars of great sleep, and the types of stressors that might be stopping you to sleep well at night.

  • How does sleep work and why do we sleep?
  • Establishing the amount of sleep you really need
  • The different sleep disorders
  • The real definition of insomnia
  • Four pillars of great sleep
  • Introduction to the types of sleep stressors and what to do about them

This webinar was recorded on 15th December 2020

You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

Less Stress, Better Sleep - A Box Set Guide to Great Mental Health